There are so many opportunities to serve; check them out and volunteer.
It all stats with leadership. The Session is the governing body of the First Presbyterian Church of Itasca, with the Pastor serving as Moderator. The Session meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month, except July. Any member is welcome to join us at these meetings and provide input toward our decision making.
There are many opportunities to serve on the following Session Councils that support the needs of our church.
The Building & Grounds council actively maintains the interior and exterior beauty of our Church. They handle grounds maintenance to general repair and everything in between!
The Christian Education council develops and leads a creative, effective Christian education program for children, youth and adults, allowing for on-gong spiritual growth. They oversee the curriculum for Sunday School, assist with confirmation and oversee the fund raising and purchase of animals for the Heifer project.
The Church Life council plans social activities to promote congregational relationship and Christian fellowship. They nurture and meet the needs of the congregation for all ages. They plan and lead the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Church Picnic, and Gingerbread Nativity. They arrange outings (such as attending a Boomer's game).
The Finance council manages the revenue and expenses of the church. They account for all contributions and report results to the congregation. The Stewardship council plans, organizes, promotes and evaluates the annual Stewardship campaign. They encourage, educate and nurture stewardship in the congregation.
The Personnel and Administration council provides communication between the paid employees, the Pastor, and the elected officers of the church and the congregation. They manage all legal concerns, insurance policies and claims as well as the overall administration of the church office.
The Mission council provides direction and purpose to the congregation for mission giving, projects, and education in our community, our nation and our world. They are actively involved with the Itasca Food Pantry, the Walk In Ministry and PADS. They also lead the giving tree campaign at Christmas.
The Worship council assists the pastor with weekly worship and liturgy by securing liturgists and communion servers for the sacraments. They work with the Music Director and Pastor to help make worship a meaningful experience.
The Deacons offer care for those who are in need, sick, or home bound. They share compassion with the grieving and celebrate life with all, both within and beyond our church faith community. The Ministry includes ordained Deacons with each Deacon assigned members of our congregation as a Faith Family. With everyone working together to make a strong healthy church. Deacons meet the 3rd Sunday of each month following worship.
Deacon Responsibilities include:
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