Through a combination of uplifting music, prayer and the solid, practical teaching of God’s Word, we seek authentic and heart-felt worship at FPC Itasca. From that we experience our sense of community. Worship transforms our lives and motivates us to serve. To that end, we strive for worship that speaks to the whole person – mind, heart and body.
9:00am – Music rehearsal
9:30am – Prayer time
10am Worship – Worship with us on Zoom!
11am – Fellowship Hour
Ash Wednesday, March 5th – 7:00pm
Palm Sunday, April 13th – 10:00am
Maundy Thursday, April 17th – Dinner at 6:00pm; Service at 7:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 20th – 10:00am
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, December 24th – 7:00pm
One of the great joys of our faith, baptism is a powerful sign and symbol of the inclusive love and grace of God. Baptism is a declaration of our hope and confidence in God’s forgiveness and redemption.
This sacrament unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of God’s family, the church. For Presbyterians, baptism in an initiation into the church community, the fulfillment of a commandment from Christ. Candidates for Holy Baptism at First Presbyterian Church include the following:
1. Infants or children born to members or prospective members of the congregation.
2. Adults who, after adequate preparation and instruction, declare their faith in Jesus Christ and their desire for baptism.
Consultation with the pastor about baptism is available upon request.
We celebrate the Lord’s supper once a month usually on the first Sunday of the month. The Lord’s Supper, also known as Communion, is also celebrated on many holidays.
During worship at FPC Itasca, we believe that all who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior may share in the feast regardless if they are a member, regular visitor, or guest, this includes children. The Lord’s Supper is usually served in the pews by passing the trays to one another symbolizing the “priesthood of all believers”.
Once in a while we serve the Lord’s supper by way of intinction, where people come forward to the Table to receive the elements of Christ’s body and blood, breaking off a piece of bread and dipping into the cup, symbolizing that we are all members of the one body of Christ. The bread we use is common ordinary loaves of bread and the cup is filled with grape juice instead of wine.
Service music is provided weekly by Music Director, Hal Mayer. All the music and anthems performed offer a sampling of all types of religious music. Our versatile Clavinova enhances whatever type of music we perform.
Most of our choir members are not trained musicians so we possess different levels of musical knowledge. The one thing we truly have in common is our love of Christ. No matter how well we perform, the most important thing is to sing and play from our heart because that is what makes the true music to God’s ears. And THAT is what makes the music at First Presbyterian Church of Itasca so special!